The Passive Microwave Intensity Estimation (PMW-IE) model is designed to estimate the current intensity of TCs using a set of 85-91 GHz (85 GHz hereafter) and rain related variables (total 12 variables) from the NASA Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) 1C-constelation and 2A-GPROF-constellation near-real-time (NRT) products, respectively. The GPM constellation sensors to be used in real-time include GPM Microwave Imager (GMI), Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS), and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer 2 (AMSR-2). The 85 GHz variables are derived from the 85 GHz Polarization Corrected Brightness Temperatures (PCTs) from the GPM 1C-constelation NRT product, while the rain variables are calculated from the GPM 2A-GPROF-constellation NRT product. To test how well the 85 GHz variables are able to estimate TC intensity compared with both rain & 85 Ghz variables, there are two models running in parallel: 1) One is the 85 GHz model using 85 GHz only variables; 2) The other is the rain+85GHz model, which uses both 85 GHz and rain variables (all 12 variables). Both models were trained with 1998-2013 TRMM TMI data and 2014-2018 GPM 1C-constelation and 2A-GPROF-constellation data for AL and EP/CP TCs for high-resolution sensors (TMI, GMI, and AMSR2) and low-resolution sensor (SSMIS), separately. Both are able to estimate the current (Vmax) and 6-h future TC intensity (Vmax_6). The models continuously run in real-time at each satellite observation time, which is called the satellite-centered run.
Currently, the model is running for the AL and EP/CP basins for the 2019 hurricane season. The online output includes both satellite-centered text files and image files for each storm declared by NHC A-deck data (Click the links below to enter each folder):
Text Files of Intensity Estimates
Download the Read-Me File: PDF
1. Jiang, H., C. Tao, and Y. Pei, 2019: Estimation of Tropical Cyclone Intensity in the North Atlantic and North Eastern Pacific Basins Using TRMM Satellite Passive Microwave Observations. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 58, 185–197.
2. Jiang, H., Y. Pei, and X. Wang, 2019: Estimation of Tropical Cyclone Intensity Using Satellite Passive Microwave Observations: Year 2 Update, 73rd Interdepartmental Hurricane Conference/2019 Tropical Cyclone Research Forum, Miami, Florida, Mar 12-14, 2019.
Prepared by: Dr. Haiyan Jiang ( Florida International Univ., 11200 SW. 8th Street, AHC5 Rm371, Miami FL 33199
Date: 06/21/2019