2002 Basin: East & Central Pacific Total storms: 13

IndexIDNamePeriodMin Sea Level
Pressure (hPa)
Max wind
speed (knots)
# overpasses # Features snapshots Rain accumulation
1 200201 ALMA 20020525 - 20020601 960 100 19 361 snapshots rain accumulation
2 200202 BORIS 20020608 - 20020611 997 50 9 127 snapshots rain accumulation
3 200203 CRISTINA 20020710 - 20020716 994 55 17 302 snapshots rain accumulation
4 200204 DOUGLAS 20020720 - 20020726 970 90 16 253 snapshots rain accumulation
5 200205 ELIDA 20020723 - 20020730 921 140 23 207 snapshots rain accumulation
6 200206 FAUSTO 20020821 - 20020902 936 125 44 1473 snapshots rain accumulation
7 200207 ALIKA 20020822 - 20020828 995 55 14 312 snapshots rain accumulation
8 200208 ELE 20020825 - 20020829 945 110 9 186 snapshots rain accumulation
9 200209 GENEVIEVE 20020826 - 20020901 989 60 16 339 snapshots rain accumulation
10 200210 HERNAN 20020830 - 20020905 921 140 19 315 snapshots rain accumulation
11 200213 KENNA 20021022 - 20021025 913 145 12 149 snapshots rain accumulation
12 200214 LOWELL 20021022 - 20021030 1002 45 23 591 snapshots rain accumulation
13 200215 HUKO 20021024 - 20021103 980 75 27 675 snapshots rain accumulation
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