2008 Basin: East & Central Pacific Total storms: 17

IndexIDNamePeriodMin Sea Level
Pressure (hPa)
Max wind
speed (knots)
# overpasses # Features snapshots Rain accumulation
1 200801 ALMA 20080529 - 20080529 994 55 3 19 snapshots rain accumulation
2 200802 BORIS 20080627 - 20080705 985 70 22 496 snapshots rain accumulation
3 200803 CRISTINA 20080628 - 20080702 999 45 12 311 snapshots rain accumulation
4 200804 DOUGLAS 20080701 - 20080705 1003 35 13 243 snapshots rain accumulation
5 200805 ELIDA 20080712 - 20080721 970 90 26 558 snapshots rain accumulation
6 200806 FAUSTO 20080716 - 20080723 977 80 19 360 snapshots rain accumulation
7 200807 GENEVIEVE 20080721 - 20080730 987 65 25 511 snapshots rain accumulation
8 200808 KIKA 20080804 - 20080816 1007 35 27 731 snapshots rain accumulation
9 200809 HERNAN 20080806 - 20080816 956 105 27 639 snapshots rain accumulation
10 200810 ISELLE 20080814 - 20080823 999 45 26 681 snapshots rain accumulation
11 200811 JULIO 20080823 - 20080827 998 45 17 125 snapshots rain accumulation
12 200812 KARINA 20080902 - 20080903 1000 35 4 45 snapshots rain accumulation
13 200813 LOWELL 20080906 - 20080911 998 45 14 232 snapshots rain accumulation
14 200814 MARIE 20081001 - 20081019 984 70 47 1353 snapshots rain accumulation
15 200815 NORBERT 20081004 - 20081012 945 115 24 378 snapshots rain accumulation
16 200816 ODILE 20081008 - 20081013 997 50 11 110 snapshots rain accumulation
17 200817 POLO 20081102 - 20081104 1003 40 6 106 snapshots rain accumulation
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