2011 Basin: North Indian Ocean Total storms: 6

IndexIDNamePeriodMin Sea Level
Pressure (hPa)
Max wind
speed (knots)
# overpasses # Features snapshots Rain accumulation
1 201101 NONAME 20110609 - 20110612 996 35 7 74 snapshots rain accumulation
2 201102 NONAME 20111017 - 20111019 996 35 9 98 snapshots rain accumulation
3 201103 KEILA 20111101 - 20111105 982 55 11 86 snapshots rain accumulation
4 201104 NONAME 20111107 - 20111110 996 35 9 281 snapshots rain accumulation
5 201105 NONAME 20111125 - 20111201 996 35 16 215 snapshots rain accumulation
6 201106 THANE 20111225 - 20111230 956 90 14 152 snapshots rain accumulation
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