2001 Basin: South Indian Ocean Total storms: 17

IndexIDNamePeriodMin Sea Level
Pressure (hPa)
Max wind
speed (knots)
# overpasses # Features snapshots Rain accumulation
1 200104 ANDO 20010101 - 20010110 -9999999 120 30 689 snapshots rain accumulation
2 200105 BINDU 20010106 - 20010116 -9999999 100 29 1123 snapshots rain accumulation
3 200106 CHARLEY 20010117 - 20010125 -9999999 105 25 785 snapshots rain accumulation
4 200107 TERRI 20010128 - 20010131 -9999999 50 9 59 snapshots rain accumulation
5 200109 VINCENT 20010207 - 20010215 -9999999 35 20 522 snapshots rain accumulation
6 200115 DERA 20010307 - 20010312 -9999999 90 19 319 snapshots rain accumulation
7 200116 NONAME 20010402 - 20010407 -9999999 35 11 312 snapshots rain accumulation
8 200117 WALTER 20010402 - 20010407 -9999999 90 12 245 snapshots rain accumulation
9 200118 EVARISTE 20010403 - 20010408 -9999999 75 15 402 snapshots rain accumulation
10 200120 ALISTAIR 20010416 - 20010423 -9999999 65 18 410 snapshots rain accumulation
11 200121 NONAME 20010620 - 20010622 -9999999 65 9 246 snapshots rain accumulation
12 200201 NONAME 20011004 - 20011007 997 35 11 197 snapshots rain accumulation
13 200202 ALEX-ANDRE 20011024 - 20011101 984 55 18 329 snapshots rain accumulation
14 200203 NONAME 20011116 - 20011122 997 35 15 170 snapshots rain accumulation
15 200204 NONAME 20011120 - 20011124 997 35 11 392 snapshots rain accumulation
16 200205 BESSI-BAKO 20011125 - 20011204 967 75 26 895 snapshots rain accumulation
17 200208 CYPRIEN 20011230 - 20011231 987 50 5 49 snapshots rain accumulation
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