1998 Basin: South Pacific Total storms: 17

IndexIDNamePeriodMin Sea Level
Pressure (hPa)
Max wind
speed (knots)
# overpasses # Features snapshots Rain accumulation
1 199810 RON 19980101 - 19980108 -9999999 145 17 303 snapshots rain accumulation
2 199811 SUSAN 19980101 - 19980109 -9999999 140 25 472 snapshots rain accumulation
3 199812 KATRINA 19980101 - 19980202 -9999999 90 73 1557 snapshots rain accumulation
4 199814 LES 19980121 - 19980202 -9999999 50 24 145 snapshots rain accumulation
5 199816 TUI 19980125 - 19980127 -9999999 40 7 153 snapshots rain accumulation
6 199817 URSULA 19980131 - 19980201 -9999999 65 7 173 snapshots rain accumulation
7 199818 VELI 19980131 - 19980203 -9999999 75 8 318 snapshots rain accumulation
8 199819 WES 19980131 - 19980204 -9999999 45 10 327 snapshots rain accumulation
9 199825 MAY 19980225 - 19980228 -9999999 35 8 71 snapshots rain accumulation
10 199829 YALI 19980317 - 19980327 -9999999 90 37 1030 snapshots rain accumulation
11 199830 NATHAN 19980319 - 19980330 -9999999 65 27 684 snapshots rain accumulation
12 199831 ZUMAN 19980328 - 19980405 -9999999 100 23 698 snapshots rain accumulation
13 199836 ALAN 19980420 - 19980426 -9999999 45 16 534 snapshots rain accumulation
14 199837 BART 19980429 - 19980430 -9999999 35 4 36 snapshots rain accumulation
15 199907 NONAME 19981213 - 19981217 -9999999 35 20 324 snapshots rain accumulation
16 199908 NONAME 19981221 - 19981223 -9999999 50 11 339 snapshots rain accumulation
17 199909 CORA 19981222 - 19981228 -9999999 90 23 359 snapshots rain accumulation
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