2003 Basin: South Pacific Total storms: 11

IndexIDNamePeriodMin Sea Level
Pressure (hPa)
Max wind
speed (knots)
# overpasses # Features snapshots Rain accumulation
1 200306 ZOE 20030101 - 20030101 879 155 2 55 snapshots rain accumulation
2 200310 AMI 20030110 - 20030115 944 110 17 176 snapshots rain accumulation
3 200312 BENI 20030124 - 20030204 916 125 32 818 snapshots rain accumulation
4 200313 CILLA 20030125 - 20030130 997 35 19 509 snapshots rain accumulation
5 200315 DOVI 20030205 - 20030210 910 130 18 365 snapshots rain accumulation
6 200322 ERICA 20030304 - 20030314 910 130 34 633 snapshots rain accumulation
7 200325 ESETA 20030309 - 20030313 952 110 17 255 snapshots rain accumulation
8 200327 FILI 20030413 - 20030415 997 45 8 98 snapshots rain accumulation
9 200329 GINA 20030604 - 20030608 954 90 12 260 snapshots rain accumulation
10 200405 DEBBIE 20031217 - 20031222 976 65 13 87 snapshots rain accumulation
11 200407 HETA 20031229 - 20031231 898 140 6 184 snapshots rain accumulation
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